What is design’s role... in commerce, in society, in life?
Is it primarily a tool to promote business? How significant is it to civilization? Could we live without it?
To the above questions, many would say “yes”, “only superficially” and “I’m sure,” respectively.
To me, however, design is at the core of everything commerce, society, and life are. Each depends on design to function in one way or another. Just because some people are naive to design’s power over them, does not mean that power does not exist.
Commerce uses design to its advantage with nearly every move it makes, it is true. From billboard advertisements in Time Square to something as small as a business card handed to a potential client. Every picture, font, and graphic says something about the company or product to the customer. The colors used in an ad have the power to tell the potential client if the company is willing to experiment or are strictly business focused. Pattern can signify if an item is meant to be fun, or if it is a serious product that may help you in your time of need. Each product’s packaging is designed to leave an impression, and the really good designs do. The way a company or product is presented through advertising can make or break it. Design can make or break it.
Image from http://www.trekexchange.com/tours/74
But really, how significant is design to civilization? Many believe advertising is a shallow and overly invasive industry. Most people wouldn’t oppose to seeing less commercials on TV or less billboards on the highway. So other than through commerce, how is design all that valuable? Let’s see…
Imagine you are driving down the road and you notice a red octagon in the distance. What do you do? You start to slow. This red sign has signaled to you that you will be required to stop ahead. This is because of a distinct shape, a design. The stop sign was designed to be unlike anything else; to be recognizable from a distance in order to help people avoid accidents. Imagine civilization without street signs.
Image from http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2010/10/02/stop-sign-cameras-catch-socal-drivers-off-guard/
Now, could we live without design? Many have the misconception that we could, or at least do with much less. The truth is, however, no. Design would exist whether we want to acknowledge it, or not. Every item we see, feel, or use, even something as seemingly simple as toilet paper, was designed.
Design is truly everywhere. Embracing it is seems to be the best option.
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