The film “Objectified” (2009), directed by Gary Hustwit, is an intriguing documentary about objects for a few reasons. The two biggest being, first, because it is eye opening, but second because it is different. Most documentaries of this sort would focus on the creators of these objects, but, though this film does feature different designers talking about their work and the processes the designers’ use to create, neither are seemingly the director’s focus. Every word spoken by the designers and camera shot between designers, however, revolves around explaining or displaying different objects. From this and the statements of the designers that are featured, I have concluded that it was his goal for us to be inspired to immerse ourselves in the world of objects and think about them as what their designers know them to be, carefully articulated designs - to realize that everything we see and use, in fact every contour and feature of everything we see and use, was created thoughtfully and intentionally.
I came to conclude this for a few reasons. The biggest one being, just like in the design of an object, the director had absolute control over the form his film was going to take. This being true, every aspect of the film can be looked at critically and from it, the film’s purpose, or content, can be inferred. For example, the way objects are presented, though subtle, can reveal a lot to a watchful eye. The shots of the many objects are presented to us close up, from unique angles, and sometimes even from “open form” shots only showing parts of objects. All of these shots create a circumstance which we have to really examine an object’s features and automatically lead us to think more deeply about what, why, and how.
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Even the objects that were not the main focus of a segment, such as the experimental materials the creators used on prototypes and such items as the computer mouse a designer used to put a design into a CAD (Computer Aided Design) program were presented in this unique way, proving that the objects are definitely the focus of the film. Also, the way the director shifts from designer to designer, from country to country, gives a sense of designers’ impacts on objects worldwide. Truly every aspect of the film’s form and the inferred content made Hustwit’s concept clear. All man-made objects are designs.